I have never had the “Kitchen Of MY Dreams.” On the other hand, I have had the kitchen of my worst nightmares a couple times in my life. My first kitchen was in a 3rd floor walk up with a 2 burner electric stove top and an oven that worked….occasionally. From that gleeful experience I went to a 4 burner electric stove with warped burners and an oven that worked too well. Sadly, it burnt every thing no matter what you set the temperature. I had one final electric stove until I finally revolted in 1980 and bought a lovely, wondrous, beautiful, friendly, caring, sexy ( have I gone too far?) gas range. BE STILL MY HEART! And for 35 plus years I was such a happy camper. Then…..( sad, tragic music), we moved to Washington and the dreaded, despicable, electric stove returned. That’s not to say that electric stoves are a poor method of cooking, but I was raised cooking on a gas stove and that is where I am most comfortable. Even sadder was that it took me 2 full years to realize that I did not need to cook on that dysfunctional, derelict, hot on one burner and cold on the other burner piece of my worst nightmares. Finally, my eyes sprang wide open on a trip to the mega box store in Omak, WA. I fell in love with a sweetheart of a Gas Range that cost me more than delivering my firstborn. I brought said Range home to be my love. Sigh…….. And I have never looked back. Hooked this baby up to Propane and Mama is doing her happy dance! Sadly, once again I am back to cooking here in Germany using electricity. But this time it’s a glass cook top and I am happy to report said cook top and myself have reached an agreement of sorts!
My musings on cooking and cook books. Yes, this is my “cook book.” And I am darn proud of it! It looks just like my mother’s and I am thrilled to have it. Do NOT under any circumstance laugh at me ( hear me Sparky?). I know where every single recipe is located and it is so special to me. My little sister made this for me 40 years ago. She was only 16 at the time and carefully wrote out 30 or so of my Mom’s recipes to start me on my way! 40 years later, this is what my cook book looks like. Well used.
Oh MY!
Over the years I have collected cookbooks like some people collect Crystal or Tea Pots or Power tools or paint brushes or whatever.
Ahhhhh…. my comfort zone! I read cookbooks like some people read Westerns or Romance or Mystery
And…my final musing, thought, idea or whatever for tonight. I consider each and every recipe in a cookbook as a starting point. Surely not an absolute! I look at a recipe and go ” Hmmmm…what can I do to make it mine?” Actually, I don’t even go that far. I look at a recipe and think, “OK, here weeeee goooo!” Dan often says to me, “But do you remember what you did to make it again the next time?” Most times, yes. Some times I continue to evolve the recipe and make it even more to my/our liking. I encourage every one to do the same thing. Look at a recipe as a starting point and add your own creative touches. Bon appetite and JOURNEY ON my friends!
One of my favorite cookbooks to “read,” because it tells a life story, is Prairie Kitchen Sampler, by E. Mae Fritz. Its copyright is 1988, and it’s still on Amazon. A friend and I took a road trip around the (mostly) Southwestern U.S., and read this book out loud to each other in the car. It was lovely. Thanks for reminding me of it.