PEACHES!! Okanogan County is right next door and they produce a huge amount of the fresh fruit that Washington State is known for. That includes Cherries, Apples and of course, Peaches! Peach season started about a month ago with cling stone and progressed through free stone Red Haven to these fabulous Elegant Lady peaches that I bought yesterday. Paid ( seriously underpaid) $15 for a box weighing 24lbs! I have canned our yearly supply and these will become Jam, Cobbler and/or pie. Trust me, I am not complaining! Nothing is more wonderful than standing over the kitchen sink slurping down a ripe peach with the juices running down your chin!
So, I was standing there this morning starring at this huge box of peaches and kind of shaking my head. ” What have I gotten into this time” was running through my head. And that is how this recipe for Peach Muffins evolved. And I do mean “evolved.” But, I guess they are good as Sparky ate 3 and would have eaten more if his belt line would have allowed it
Ready? Let’s build us some Gingered Peach Pecan Muffins!

Gingered Peach Pecan Muffins
- 1-3/4 Cups AP flour
- 1/3 Cup sugar plus more for dusting
- 2-1/2 Tsp Baking Powder
- 3/4 Tsp Salt
- 1/2 Tsp ground Ginger
- 1 Large Egg
- 1 Tsp Vanilla Extract
- 3/4 Cup Milk
- 1/3 Cup Canola Oil
- 1 Cup diced fresh Peaches
- 1/2 Cup chopped Pecans
- Get all ingredients ready to go
- Dice the Peaches and chop the Pecans then set aside.
- In a medium sized bowl, combine the AP Flour, Sugar, Baking Powder, Salt, and Ginger
- In a one cup measuring cup, add the Oil. Whisk in the Egg and stir in the Vanilla Extract.
- Make a "well" in the dry ingredients and pour in the Oil/ Egg/ Vanilla. Then add the 3/4 cup of Milk. Stir together just until moistened.
- Gently fold in the Peaches
- Don't these look delicious?
- Stir in the chopped Pecans
- Using an Ice Cream scoop, portion the batter into paper lined cupcake tins.
- Bake at 400° F for 20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Enjoy with lots of Butter!
- Thanks again for stopping by my friends! Wherever you live in this great big old world, I hope you can enjoy some of natures bountiful fresh vegetables and fruit!
- Journey on! Hugs and much love from me, Karen TJG
- Please stop by my website and leave me a comment. I love hearing from you all!
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