Hi everybody! Thanks for stopping by today as we take a little journey around one of Munich’s very popular local attractions. It’s not something that tourists often see after disembarking, but on a clear day it’s mobbed with Muncheners looking for the “perfect” photograph.
Munich’s Franz Josef Airport is a beautiful, modern, world class facility. Easy to navigate and even easier to get to and from. Directly across the Autobahn from the airport is an Observation Park built on a large mound. Complete with benches and binoculars, it is a popular place for photographers from around the world to gather and wait….for….that….perfect….shot! Color, light, sun, moons, clouds and more. They wait.
Dan and I have been past it dozens of time and keep saying it is on our list to see. Last Sunday,being short on energy but high on curiosity, we were looking for something rather low key to do in the afternoon. Soooooo…..we hopped aboard the S7 in Aying,
Rode it to Giesing where we changed to the S8 for the airport. But first, we went underground in the train station where there are shops and food stands galore and bought ourselves a Leberkase Semmel.
Sparky chowing down his Leberkase!
Leberkase. Literally means “liver cheese,” but it contains no liver or cheese! Known as Bavarian fast food, it is served on a hard roll or “semmel,” with sweet mustard. It is Delicious!
Back on the train, we headed for the airport, enjoying the scenery while leaving the driving to the train conductor. The S8 takes you right inside the terminal but we exited one stop before, where the administrative buildings are and walked across the Sky Bridge to the Observation Park.
From there, we and many other people, walked up the path toward the Park commenting on how clean and green the area was kept.
What we didn’t know,as you can’t see it from the Autobahn, was just how big the Park was and the number of different planes that were present. Also, there was a children’s play area. I love Germany!
Planes to walk through.
Rescue Helicopter ready to land.
And these 3….Seriously? I have no clue.
I was quite impressed with the 1937 Junker, but Dan was wanting to climb to the Observation area to see the REAL planes, boss.
Fascinating tidbit of History
We paid our Euro and headed up the short ( Boy, am I ever lying here!) flight of steps to the top.
But, it was a trick. Once we got to the top, it really wasn’t the top and you just keep walking, or in some cases, crawling to the top.
Remember when you were a kid and your Mom and Dad took you to the Buffalo airport to see the planes land and take off. Good! Then you know of what I speak! Well, mine did ( yea!) and it remains one of my fondest childhood family moments. Standing outside on the balcony, watching the engines spin to life and the doors close as the planes readied for takeoff. Such excitement for a 10 year old kid or in Dan’s case, a much older, big kid! There is just something about watching these big birds lift off and climb, climb and climb that fascinates kids of all ages, including me.
The Observation Park also had a restaurant and a gift shop which contained miniature metal aircraft of every description. Here’s a fun fact. Dan can tell you the make and model of every aircraft in the sky. Most he can name just by the sound of their engines! Me? “That’s a plane.”
We boarded yet another train line, the S3 which circles the northern part of Munich before making a beeline for the City Center. We exited at the Karlsplatz and wandered down to the Marionplatz with thongs of other Sunday strollers including immigrants and refugees from the world over. All of us gawking at the splendor that is downtown Munich! The Christmas Tree was already up and full of lights. The stalls for the Christmas Market were being set up as opening day is next Friday. Store fronts containing animated displays which we could not even get close enough to see! And then, the buildings, all decorated for the Holidays. A fantastic sight. We can’t wait to return when the Christmas Markets start and the entire city is bathed in glorious light and the Platz is filled with Christmas shoppers and Holiday revelers!
I love this city!
Business front filled with Christmas Candles!
Wrapped up with a bow!
Sparky and I and Mr. Big Boar wish you all a wonderful weekend. We look forward to sharing so much more of our incredible Bavarian Journey with all of our friends! Until then…..Journey On!
As always this was great. I remember my dad taking us to watch the airplanes take off and land at the Buffalo Airport. He loved to take us on a Friday or Saturday night. We loved watching all the lights. Great memories of a simpler time. Loving your journey and yes, I love that train. Looks so comfy. I remember taking the train to NYC with my mom and grandma Rizzo leaving from Buffalo’s Central Terminal. I haven’t been on a train since childhood. Maybe I should venture out and go on one again. Anyway, loved your post and the pictures.
Sharon, I love your memories and thank you for sharing them! That’s one of the things I hope my blog does…..evoke memories for my friends and encourage you all to post them. THAT makes me happy!