We had our first real snow up here in the Back of the Beyond, in Ferry County, Washington yesterday. Dan came in the house and told me the temperature had risen and the snow had gotten real slushy and slick and when he headed down the driveway, he slid and almost ended up in the ditch. Never a good thing! So, this morning I headed into town to Wild West Feed and Garden to get 2-50 lb tubes of sand to add weight to the back of my car. I drive an SUV so the back of it is light and extra weight helps to stabilize it on our roads. When I got home I went about this little car winterizing thing I do and have done for more years than I can remember.
Having lived in snow country all my life, I’ve learned a few tricks to help keep myself and my passengers safe in the event of a snow emergency. We Buffalonians, well heck, we know snow! 6, 8, even 10 feet of snow in the Lake Erie snow belt areas! When , as an RN, I did Home Health Care, Hospice Care and more, I had to drive all over Western New York and Northern Pennsylvania. I drove through many a snow storm with whiteouts and blizzards.
Here in Washington, the snow is not so much a problem as is the ice. The ice is just miserable, but some areas also get huge amounts of snow. When we go to Colville or Omak for shopping, we have to drive over mountain Passes and in the Winter, it can be treacherous. If we need to go over to the Seattle side, we go over Snoqualmie or Stevens Pass. They actually close the interstates for huge amounts of snow and get this, Avalanche control! Yes, the State DOT has to blast down the snow to prevent Avalanche!
So, today, this is what I did as I do every year.
I pack a box with essentials including:
A Blanket
Ski Mittens
Knit Hat
Granola Bars
Dried Fruit
Water Bottles
Large Coffee Can
Candle to put in the large coffee can
Matches for the Candle.
In an emergency, you can light the Candle in the Coffee Can and have a heat source. You don’t want run your car and use up all the gas
Small Coffee Can- well, we all have to pee!
Toilet Paper- see above
In addition to these items, my car is packed with a collapsible shovel, a bottle of windshield wiper fluid and a snow roof rake.
I never let my gas tank get below half full!
Having said all this and being prepared all these years, I have to tell you that not once, nope never, have I had to use my emergency gear! I have come close several times but always managed stay out of trouble and stay safe!
But the biggest piece of advice I give to myself every winter is ” Slow Down!” Don’t be impatient. Leave a few minutes early. So what if you are a few minutes late. At least you will arrive alive.
Winter is truly here, so let’s all be careful and mindful of the other drivers on the road. Come Spring I want to still be here and I want all my friends and family to be here too!
Until next time, stay warm, stay healthy and be safe.
Journey on!
Hugs and much warm winter love from me,
Karen, TJG
There’s a line in a movie that I have never forgotten, it goes “I’d rather have a condom and not need it than need it and not have it”. Same story for any kind of preparation either winter or earthquake or fire, I’d rather have everything ready and not need it than need it and not have it.
Thanks, you had a few things on your list that I don’t have on mine.
Hi Sheila,
That’s a great “line!” Have a safe winter and a Merry Christmas!
Karen, TJG