The days just fly by up here somewhere back of the beyond at Kettle Ridge Alpacas. Each one seems busier than the day before. But it is a good kind of busy. Living once again in our own home,on land that is ours and working to make this dream of sustainable farm life a reality. I’m back working at “you know, that job that gives me a paycheck” 4 days a week and loving every minute of it. But on those days as all working folks know, there are too few hours and too many chores to get done. Sparky is working harder than ever post retirement managing the land, the garden, the orchard, the Alpacas and building his man cave/ workshop.
Dan’s shop is almost ready. He’ll spend a lot of time out there this winter. I hope 🙂
We’ll get the door in today and he is good to go!
Last Sunday after Church he flopped down onto the couch and said “I am so whupped. We really need to make Sunday a day of rest.” I agree, but reality tells us different. I’d like to tell you that I start my day at the crack of dawn, but in reality my day starts hours before the sun even thinks about rising.
I get up between 5 and 5:30 am, put the coffee on, give Bandit a couple of treats, then let the dogs out.
Early morning treats. YUM!
But before letting them off the porch, I take the spotlight and survey the yard looking for unwanted critters because that could really start my day off on the wrong foot! I come back in, feed the dogs then let Bandit out.
Up and out in the fog waaay before dawn
I feed Molly Kitty on the porch because she refuses to come in the house ( thanks Gracie) and the barn cats refuse to let her join their pack.
Shy little green eyed beauty is our Miss Molly!
I feed the barn kitties on the back porch which is fun because they are all waiting at the back door for me to turn the light on and come out to give them a little head rub.
Sylvia and Shadow, one of her sons
After emptying the dishwasher while drinking my coffee, I grab something out of the freezer to thaw for dinner. A quick shower makes me feel almost human again then it’s off to my home office to power up my work computer Tuesday thru Friday. For the next 8 hours I am once again, a Nurse. A career I have never tired of nor regretted. Sparky isn’t too sure he’s thrilled about me working again, after all we are “retirees,” but he hears me in the office talking and laughing and helping people and he is pleased that I am happy.
My Office. Really needs some work and paint but low on my list!
After work, we all know the drill right? The endless cycle of laundry, cleaning, cooking, dishes, grocery shopping, pet care and on it goes. Our kids are well into adulthood, well….some are more adult than others, (wink, wink) but for those of my friends with kids and Grand kids at home, you know there is no end in sight chain of chores that need doing to make a life for your family. It’s 7:30 am right now on this Saturday and both the washer, dryer and dishwasher are going because a certain nameless someone forgot to turn the dishwasher on last night, right Sparky? Gotta love the man! I’m thinking that Apple, Cinnamon waffles with Country Sausage will be breakfast this morning but I will check with my other half as I think he also was interested in Sausage Gravy and Biscuits. That’s what is nice about Saturday. Having the extra minutes for a nice cooked breakfast and time to sit with my husband to enjoy it.
Sparky chose Sausage Gravy and Biscuits!
He ate 3 biscuits and 6 ladles of gravy! Guess he liked it. LOL!
Up here in the mountains of Eastern Washington, our climate is semi arid, but not this Fall. We typically get our water from Winter snow and Spring rain but for whatever reason, October busted all records for rainfall and November is not starting out much better. It seems as if we have had rain every day for weeks on end. And when it’s not raining, we are fogged in. I’m talking about FOG here folks. Thick, heavy and wet FOG. Looking out my office window right now I can’t even see the hillside or a tree. Everything is sopping wet. The ground, the trees, the Alpacas and even me! I swear I could wring water out of the fire wood. Sunshine is the norm for this area and I’m having trouble remembering what it looks like. We hate to complain because 2015 was a horribly dry year and this area was surrounded by wildfire. So we deal with it because there’s not a darn thing we can do about it anyway.
Dan brought home 3 more Alpacas from the Coast this week. He drove over Wednesday, stayed overnight and hauled them the 6 hour drive back home Thursday getting here about 6:30 pm in the dark. I went out with him to feed and water the 13 lovelies this morning. The new girls are just so pretty! I had asked him to see if he could find a jet black and a dark brown Alpaca and I couldn’t be happier with his finds. I think the “feathery” ears are beautiful. Thanks to Chris and Elise Sturgeon for raising such quality Alpacas!
Miss Blackbird and friends
Getting the minerals ready for the girls
Along with the fun, comes the work. All Alpaca people know this stance!
Well my friends, it is time to get on with my day. I really could sit and write forever, but that doesn’t get the vacuuming done. I have to run into town for a few groceries and then back to sort and organize our house and belongings. Hard to imagine but even though we have been back from Europe since June, there is still much to do.
So….wherever your journey takes you this weekend, I wish for you joy in the simple pleasure of being home, with family or friends or furkids and doing what you love, however you define it.
Journey on!
Hugs and much love from me.
Karen TJG
Follow me at my website and leave me a comment. I enjoy hearing from you all!
I love your writing Karen! I always feel like I can see what you are saying.
Hi Linda,
Thank you for your kind words!
Karen, TJG
Always enjoy your writing. Thanks!
Hi Lin,
Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving such kind words!
Love your journey. The alpacas are beautiful. The black one is gorgeous and I love the feathery ears too.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Hi Shar,
Thanks again for your unfailing support! Love you GF!
I so enjoy reading The Journey Girl, your alpacas are adorable, your new black one is just beautiful! What rewarding work you two do.
Hi Penny,
Thanks for your sweet comments!
Karen TJG