Serendipity: “the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.”
A little over a week ago Sparky and I just happened to be in the right place at the right time to witness an event we had never seen before. Looking for a close to home break from the never ending chores and work, we drove the motor home down to Tiffany’s Resort a whole mile from our house and parked right at waters edge on Curlew Lake. Fishing and relaxing were the goals but also being able to run home to care for the alpacas and barn cats.
While “camping” there we heard that the annual stocking of Curlew Lake with Rainbow Trout was about to happen. Sponsored by the Curlew Lake Association and the Department of Fish and Wildlife, we were about to see a truly unique and amazing event as 80,000 Rainbow Trout are introduced to their new home. Come along and watch!
The Curlew Lake Association has “fish pens” anchored out in the lake and every year in May, young fish are poured into the pens where they are fed and kept safe for several months until they are large enough to be released into the lake. When it’s time to load up the pens with fish, the pens are released and towed over to the docks at Tiffany’s Resort.
Here come the fish pens being pushed along by a pontoon boat and guided by the men in the small boat out front.
Closer and closer to the docks. A tricky maneuver made easy by this experienced boat operator.
Safely docked and secured. Today’s weather was great. Some years there is wind and rain to deal with which makes it a bit dicey.
The long white pipes were connected along the dock. They will be hooked up to the trucks carrying the fish and the opposite end was placed in the fish pen itself.
Members of the Curlew Lake Association getting the pipeline set up. Despite all the work,it really is a fun and festive event that everyone enjoys. These guys have been doing this for so long, they all know their jobs and just have at it!
And here come the trucks carrying that precious cargo! This is truck 1 of 5.
Trucks 2,3,4 and 5. Each carrying a load of Rainbow Trout fry. That would be baby trout, not fried trout. 🙂
The flex pipe is connected from the truck to the rigid pipe line. The fish will be gravity flushed from the trucks to the pipeline then into the pens.
Ready. Set. GO! The valve is opened and the Trout are flowing. Those brown spots in the pipe are the fish. Thousands of fish!
Down the length of the pipeline on the dock to the pens.
Waiting….and then
Thar she blows matey!
There are 4 separate pens to fill. The whole rig had to be untied and re-positioned so all 4 pens could be filled. The Rainbow Trout are now safely ensconced in their new home!
Over the next few months, the 80,000 young fish will devour 7 tons of fish food.
The pens are then towed back out into the lake and anchored securely. Then the willing workers enjoyed a well earned lakeside picnic lunch. I wish I had gotten a picture of the lunch spread, as it was really delightful but I was too busy talking to both new and old friends. It’s a me thing………
A side view as the pens are leaving the dock. And some handsome guy I picked up so I could go fishing 😉
This was fun and educational to watch! Fishing is a very popular sport at Curlew Lake. Both young kids catching their first fish while camping on the shores, and older hands after trophy fish. People come from far and wide to enjoy the lake and all she offers.
Thank you all for stopping by today. I wish you all many days of sunshine, warm air and a fish or 2 on your line this summer!
Remember our journey through this life passes in the blink of an eye, so take the time to enjoy whatever it is that makes you very, very happy.
Journey on!
Hugs and much love from me,
Karen, TJG
Loved this! Thank you for sharing!!!
Thanks for the great advertisement of the CLA Fish pen project. The pictures tell the story. It was great to see you, if only for a moment. We will certainly pass this along for all to see!
Hi Bobbie, Happy it meets with your approval! It sure was interesting and fun.
Karen, TJG
As far as a pontoon boat, I am not a big fan, but you might really like that style. But remember when you buy a new boat, as soon as you take delivery you take a hit on its value. You should take a look at what is available used and relatively new. You can get great low hour bargains in this economy and as long as you have the used boat checked over you should be fine