Autumn does not quietly, stealthily stroll in up here in the Back of the Beyond. Rather, she purposefully strides in on padded cat paws. Soft, but sure footed she presses on. Not obtrusive, but Autumn makes her presence known and silently heightens us to action. She does not have that laid back, easy going feeling that we try to capture in summer. Rather, Autumn discreetly urges us to hurry. Hurry to harvest the crops before the hard frost. Hurry, to get the oil changed in the tractors. Hurry, to get the hay in for the Alpacas. Hurry to get the storm windows in and haul that extra cord of wood for the stove. Hurry and get the barn cats shelters ready and hurry to put the lawn chairs away and to get the snow plow out. Hurry to make sure there is oil for the lanterns if the power goes out and extra batteries for the flashlights. Is the generator working? Do we have sand for the driveway? No…Autumn is not loud or abrasive, but she calmly pushes us forward to make sure we are ready for the long, cold winter to come.
There is a chill in the air and the mist shadows the mountains.
The Gold of the Aspens is so striking against the deep green of the Evergreens
Sparky diligently working to get the workshop enclosed for the winter.
Close to being walled in so he can work on winter projects
There is a different feel in the air and some subtle, and not so subtle changes in the colors of the mountains.
Autumn prepares us for the cold of winter. Wherever your journey leads you this Autumn, I hope you feel warm, safe and loved.
Journey On!
Hugs and much love from me,
Karen, TJG
Beautifully written as always and love the photos. So beautiful. Love the contrast of the Aspens against the Evergreens.
Thank you Sharon!
Love ya!
Karen, TJG
Lovely narrrative and love the photos of fall claiming the hillsides and the tree line with the golds and greens.
Thank you Teresa! I truly appreciate your comments.
Karen, TJG
Love your writing, Karen. I feel like I am there!
Hi Linda,
Thank you for taking the time to read and comment.
Karen, TJG